
Guzik Technical Enterprises provides test solutions to the disk drive industry, as well as waveform acquisition tools for demanding ATE and OEM applications in avionics, signal intelligence, military electronics, physics, astronomy, semiconductors, and a variety of other disciplines. The company is based in Mountain View, California.

Company History

Guzik_HQFounded in the early 80’s by Dr. Nahum Guzik, Guzik Technical Enterprises develops innovative test solutions aimed at verifying signal and overall magnetic recording integrity for disk drive heads and media. The company was founded to address the challenge of reducing disk drive validation tests from days or weeks to minutes. Our products combine high speed waveform capture and analysis capabilities with advanced mechanics to ensure disk drive read and write signals can be analyzed with accuracy. The products are used in both the research and development of hard disk drives and drive components, as well as on the production floor. The company holds over 70 patents which form the basis for the various electronic, optic and mechanical innovations at the core of the products. In recent years, we have taken some of these core competencies and expanded our product offering outside of data storage to focus on electronic signal capture and analysis applications. Guzik test systems are platform-based products designed to be continually upgraded over the life of the system to stay ahead of the technology evolution in recording head and media technology. A hallmark of the company is the long life of its test system platforms and the cost-effective product option and upgrade path always available to customers.


The primary products are test systems which comprise 3 major components:

  1. DTR 3000 Test SystemA Spinstand which holds the read/write head and media outside of the disk drive enclosure
  2. A Read-Write Analyzer used to both write data to the disk media and read back the resulting signals
  3. A High Speed Waveform Digitizer for detailed signal analysis

A test environment software product called WITE controls the entire system and provides the advanced analysis and reporting capability to provide the user with results.

The waveform digitizers are also sold separately for demanding system applications across a variety of industries.

Articles and Publications Featuring Guzik Products

US Patent Collection

Quality Policy

Guzik Technical Enterprises is dedicated to offering quality products and excellent service. To achieve this result, we will:

  1. Ensure that all of our products comply with applicable safety and regulatory requirements.
  2. Ensure our products meet or exceed their published specifications.
  3. Establish and maintain an environment which encourages all employees to pursue continuous improvement in the quality and productivity of products and services.
  4. Continuously monitor and improve processes and procedures to ensure quality is built into our products.
  5. Ensure that the quality policy is reviewed annually and is communicated within the organization. Quality objectives will also be reviewed and are part of the management weekly review.
  6. Establish quality requirements for suppliers, partners, and contractors and hold them accountable to comply.
  7. The VP of Operations of Guzik Technical Enterprises is responsible for the quality of its products and services.

Contact Information

Guzik Technical Enterprises

2443 Wyandotte Street

Mountain View, CA 94043

(650) 625-8000 Main

(650) 625-9325 FAX
