Digitizers with Oscilloscope Software
The ADP7000 Series Digitizers feature oscilloscope technology to deliver fast accurate measurements
- 10-bit ADC up to 10 GHz BW (4X more vertical resolution than 8-bit digitizers and oscilloscopes)
- Low-noise front end for precision signal viewing
- Down to 170 uV RMS noise at 2 mV/div with 4 GHz bandwidth. 375 uV RMS with 10 GHz.
- System ENOB values in excess of 8-bit
- SFDR values down to –73.5 dBC
- 2 mV/div vertical scaling supported in hardware
- 20 MHz, 250 MHz, 1.4 GHz, 3.1 GHz, 4 GHz and 6.5 GHz HW bandwidth limit filters on 50 Ω path for each channel
- Patented group delay calibration and equalization ensure flat frequency magnitude and phase response
- Low intrinsic jitter (50 fs (typical) for excellent jitter characterization)
- Deep 24 Gpts/channel on all four channels simultaneously (oscilloscope analysis software supports up-to 2 Gpts per trace)
- High-speed data transfer to user configurable host computer for signal viewing and to graphics processors (GPU) for fast signal processing
The Keysight N8901A Infiniium hosted interface for digitizers brings the ease-of-use (and many of the extensive measurement analysis capabilities) of Keysight Infiniium oscilloscopes to the Guzik ADP7000 Series digitizers. With the ADC_SYNC1 multi-module time synchronization option, up to 10 digitizers can be controlled, their captured waveforms displayed and analyzed in a single Infiniium interface viewer. Capture depth > 2 Gpts, user selectable bandwidth filters and segmented memory are planned for future release.
User Interface
With the PC-based software and up to 10 GHz bandwidth, 32 GSa/s sample rate, a 10-bit ADC, and a low-noise front-end, ensures precise representation of the analog characteristics of the signals you’re testing.
Superior signal integrity allows for more accurate measurements such as rise time values. Extremely low intrinsic jitter (50 fs) ensures the lowest possible contribution to jitter measurements from the digitizer itself, so you are limited only by your design’s jitter budget.
Display windows and scale annotations
Results window
Math and measurements
With > 50 standard automated measurements with statistics and 16 independent math functions, you are be able to analyze a wide variety of tests. Use any of the industry-best 16 independent gates to narrow measurements or math to a specific time window.
With a built-in spectral viewer, controls, gated FFTs, 10-bit ADCs, and excellent SFDR values, the oscilloscopes analysis software with the ADP7000 digitizer provide an excellent scope like platform for FFT measurements.
Need to see frequency domain in addition to time domain? The standard spectral viewer includes FFT controls like start/stop RBW and CF/span. Readout includes power and frequency axis annotation and a peak table.
Gated FFTs
Infiniium oscilloscope analysis software supports gated math and analysis including FFTs. Use any of the standard 16 independent gates to narrow FFT computations to a specific time window. Drag the gate in the time domain, and see time correlated FFT measurements for specified time periods. The example at the left shows two simultaneously FFTs.
Envelope measurements
Need to see the rise time of a burst? Add a rise time measurement to an envelope function that provides an AM demodulation of a burst.
Personalized viewing
Determine how much space to give to results versus waveforms using sliders
– Undock and move a window to an external monitor using the tabbed layout
– Easily scale and see independent waveforms with user selectable 1, 2, 4, or even 16 simultaneous grids in each waveform window
Faster and better documentation
Quickly determine horizontal and vertical values as they are prominently displayed
– Add annotations using bookmarks, measurement callouts, and dynamic delta marker readouts
– Right-click to copy image without ever having to save to a file
– Use the multi-purpose button to save screen images easily with auto-incrementing file names
– Quickly save all waveforms, memories, functions, and setups in a single .osc file for later recall on an oscilloscope or PC
– Save screen images as .jpg, .png, .gif, or .tiff
Best usability, including optional touch screen
Touch-screen innovations are common in oscilloscopes. With an external touch-screen monitor the user is not limited to 15″ size.
– Click once to see handles that enable touch manipulation of markers, trigger level, and waveform-tasks that previously required a mouse
– Multi-touch support for multi-touch (gestures) such as zooming and panning
– Auto-sizing when touch button is turned on/off optimizes fields for fingers or a mouse
Custom mask editor
Drag and drop up to 15 points on screen to create mask files in seconds.
Analysis gallery
Easily find and run the test you need from the list of analysis/measurement options represented graphically in the analysis gallery.
Wideband, multi-channel FFTs and Frequency Domain Measurements
Need to see > 1 GHz signal spectral bandwidth and/or multiple FFTs simultaneously? The ADP7000 Digitizers offer wider bandwidth than spectrum analyzers and come standard with four ports (channels) per instrument.
The ADP7000 series digitizers enable users to make wideband measurements up to 10 GHz and up to 16 simultaneous FFTs. Analyze even higher bandwidth signals by combining with an external down converter.
Find out how the Keysight Vector Signal Analyzer VSA 89600 Software is accelerated with FPGA-s by clicking here.
A variety of analysis capabilities enable additional rapid insight
Rapidly trigger on complex events that you can see but are impossible to specify using hardware triggers. This innovative software quickly scans through thousands of acquired waveform cycles and isolated anomalous signal behavior. Selecting up to eight zones across channels is available.
SDA (Serial Data Analysis)
Quickly validate signal integrity for high-speed serial interfaces with embedded clocks. Recover embedded clocks, and build and validate eye diagrams. SDA also includes software-base trigger and decode for 8B/10B data.
EZJIT, EZJIT Plus, and EZJIT Complete
Characterize and evaluate most commonly needed jitter measurements. EZJIT Plus automates Rj/Dj separation, and EZJIT Complete additionally characterizes vertical noise.
See jitter data sheets for additional information.
Crosstalk analysis
Quickly solve difficult crosstalk problems with the industry’s first application software designed to measure both near end crosstalk (NEXT) and far end crosstalk (FEXT) on up to four signals (one victim and three aggressors) at once.
– Identify the aggressor and victim
– Report the amount of crosstalk
– Remove crosstalk and analyze
PAM-4 analysis
Easily make eye and level based measurements with the PAM-4 analysis tool. Measure eye width, eye height, eye skew, level mean, RMS, and thickness for each level, plus:
– Data time interval error for each threshold
– Rise/Fall times for each of the six PAM-4 transition types
– Support for CTLE, FFE, and DFE equalization
– Bit error rate measurements – cumulative and per acquisition

PAM-4 limit tests
With the EZJIT and InfiniiScan applications, you can apply limit tests to find burst errors and view where errors happen on the waveform.

MultiScope for digitizers
View up to 40 analog channels simultaneously by linking multiple digitizers together. Connect 2 to 10 digitizers together without skew uncertainty.

Signal Connection and Probing
For applications that require single-ended or differential probing, use the Keysight InfiniiMax series of probing tools with the Guzik ADP7000 Series Digitizers. Detailed selection information can be found at the following link: http://literature.cdn.keysight.com/litweb/pdf/5968-7141EN.pdf. A wide variety of probe solutions up to 13 GHz in bandwidth are available.
The Keysight InfiniiMax Series features a variety of probe amplifier and body styles.
The interface to the ADP7000 Series digitizer input connector is via the Keysight N1022B Probe Adapter, used together with the 1143A Probe Offset Control and Power Module and an additional ruggedized 3.5 mm to SMA cable. Automatic probe identification and compensation is not supported as it is with Infiniium oscilloscopes.
Users can create S-parameter probe and cabling compensation models separately and then import those models using InfiniiSim from the N8901A Infiniium hosted interface for digitizers.
Product / Option | Quantity |
Guzik ADP7000 10-bit Digitizer with Digital Processor | 1 |
Keysight M9502A AXIe 5-Slot Chassis (With External user configurable PC) |
1 |
Keysight M9505A AXIe 5-Slot Chassis (With embedded PC) |
Alternative |
Keysight M9537A AXIe High Performance Embedded Controller: 2.8 GHz Quad-Core, 8 GB | Alternative |
Keysight N8901A (Infiniium Hosted Interface for Digitizers) | 1 |
Keysight N8834A-AFP MultiScope software to connect 2 oscilloscopes (Fixed perpetual) | Optional |
Keysight N8834A-ATP MultiScope software to connect 2 oscilloscopes (Transportable) | Optional |
Keysight N5435A-085 MultiScope software to connect 2 oscilloscopes (Server based) | Optional |
Keysight N8834A-BFP MultiScope software to connect 5 oscilloscopes (Fixed perpetual) | Optional |
Keysight N8834A-BTP MultiScope software to connect 5 oscilloscopes (Transportable) | Optional |
Keysight N5435A-086 MultiScope software to connect 5 oscilloscopes (Server based) | Optional |
Keysight N8834A-CFP MultiScope software to connect 10 oscilloscopes (Fixed perpetual) | Optional |
Keysight N8834A-CTP MultiScope software to connect 10 oscilloscopes (Transportable) | Optional |
Keysight N5435A-090 MultiScope software to connect 10 oscilloscopes (Server based) | Optional |
Keysight N8834A-DFP MultiScope software upgrade to connect from 2 to 5 oscilloscopes (Fixed perpetual) | Optional |
Keysight N8834A-DTP MultiScope software upgrade to connect from 2 to 5 oscilloscopes (Transportable | Optional |
Keysight N8834A-EFP MultiScope software upgrade to connect from 5 to 10 oscilloscopes (Fixed perpetual) | Optional |
Keysight N8834A-ETP MultiScope software upgrade to connect from 5 to 10 oscilloscopes (Transportable | Optional |